Friday, October 1, 2010

My same old new path

I have decided to stay married and work things out with my wife. It shouldn't be too hard..we work well together for the most part. Besides I don't think I am ready for any drastic life changes yet..since I still don't know what I want for the future.

Right state of mind is not ready to take any leaps into the single world of men. I think I have a few pretty good things going right now with several people I care about. I think I want to just hang on to this way of things for a while longer.

I needed this break from my "normal" life. It gave me a broader view of everything and left me feeling way more positive. I have a brighter outlook on everything and I don't feel I will be that angry husband and father anymore. It's like I had a moment of clarity where I can see everything for what it truly is. I am going to keep my relationship with my wife on a good track and also keep my relationships with my guy friends. Let's see how this goes....


  1. I think that this is a wise decision, mate! Will be thinking of you and hoping for all of the best with your wide, family and friends.

    Balance is where it is at! Keep your head up, your wits about you and try not to stress every last little detail.


  2. Let me know how that works out for you. Been there, got the T-Shirt.
