Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Dry Spell

Hey guys..I've had a busy week with work and school. Nothing really interesting has gone on. Just doin my thing.

I'm meeting up with Paul and his new guy at some point in the next few days. He's told me a little about him..but I'm interested in seeing him for myself.

Nothing new with Ryan or William or at home. I guess this is a dry spell..but that usually means there's a storm brewing. That's how things normally work in my life anyway.

Until then gentlemen (and ladies..if there are any reading)....

1 comment:

  1. Christian,

    Having nothing "interesting" going on can be a good thing! No drama = more peace.

    Keep it simple and enjoy these times when life seems to be just the normal patterns of ritual and life.

    Hope you are well and taking it easy.

