Friday, July 30, 2010


Feeling a little like I want to run and just keep running. I get this way sometimes. Maybe it's because of all the shit I keep bottled inside and with this blog I have been letting it all out..and it feels good..but it also is bringing it all to the forefront of my mind. I usually don't let that happen. Oh will pass.

Oh and I finally found a blog title that doesn't annoy me. I wont change it again..but thought since I don't have many followers's not a big deal.


  1. I like your latest title the best. It's provocative.

    Be aware: blogging is Pandora's Box. The amount of time you will spend thinking and writing about yourself will inevitably bring all your 'issues' into the front and center of your mind.

    I started blogging more out of boredom than anything else. Now I find that I'm examining my life and my decisions FAR more than I intended and far more than I have in years. I sometimes find it a struggle to keep my blog-related thoughts away from my every day thoughts. Those two worlds are not ready to collide and, honestly, it's somewhat stressful keeping them apart.

  2. I understand what you mean about keeping the two worlds apart. It is so refreshing to just talk openly that I don't want to give it up.. It isn't the right time for me. I will figure out a way to compartmentalize it for now..that's the only thing I can do..and just hope I stay sane. Haha

  3. Hi Christian, thx for leaving a comment on my blog..just read your blog and certainly there are alot of similarities between us, and if you want would be good to chat further...its up to you but i am here... my email / msn is, unless you prefer to chat thru comments..i see two lives and wandering pom have both found you and commented..both are great guys who have been wonderful towards me. take care. james
